Love & Relationships

Here are a selection of quotes chosen by our subscribers and ourselves. If you want to share your favourite quotes please click here.

Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail

Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.

Charles Kettering

When it’s time for souls to meet, there’s nothing on earth that can prevent them from meeting

When it’s time for souls to meet, there’s nothing on earth that can prevent them from meeting, no matter where each may be located. When two hearts are meant for each other, no distance is too far, no time is too long, and no other love can break them apart.

Jaime Lichauco

Someone will walk into your life

One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else.


There are two kinds of sparks

There are two kinds of sparks, the one that goes off with a hitch like a match, but it burns quickly. The other is the kind that needs time, but when the flame strikes… it’s eternal, don’t forget that.

Timothy Oliveira

We cannot decide to love

We cannot decide to love. We cannot compel anyone to love us. There’s no secret recipe, only love itself. And we are at its mercy; there’s nothing we can do.

Nina George

My heart might be bruised

My heart might be bruised, but it will recover and become capable of seeing beauty of life once more. It’s happened before, it will happen again, I’m sure. When someone leaves, it’s because someone else is about to arrive. I’ll find love again.

Paulo Coelho

The beginning of love

The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find it them.

Thomas Merton

Your task is not to seek love

Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.


The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

Carl Jung

When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.

When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.

Donald Miller